School uniform

The Best School Of The State

School Uniform –

Wearing a uniform is a badge of Pride, creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a school. A student wears his/her uniform with pride, it means he/she is half way there to being respectful buying into what the institute is all about.

A School Uniform can improve learning by reducing distraction, sharpening focus on school work and making the class rooms more serious environment allowing students to perform better academically.

The students of G.D.Mittal School have to follow the following dress code:

School Uniform

1. Half sleeve (summer) shirt with school logo
2. Tie
3. Belt.
4. Blue Trouser/Skirt
5. Black Shoes and dark blue socks
6. Black hair band, Pins/Clip (Girls)
7. I Card

House Uniform

1. House T-Shirt with school logo.
2. White pant (Boys & Girls)
3. White Canvas Shoes and white shocks
4. Belt with school logo.
5. White hair band, Pins/Clip (Girls)
6. I Card

Note :-
During winter Students should wear the following along with routine dress:
1. Half sweater
2.Blazer (class 1 onward)/jacket (pre-primary class) with school logo,
3.Black woolen cap.

The following dress color code will be followed by students on these special days.

Christmas Day ,25 December-
Basant Panchami-

Red Dress
Yellow Dress
Birthday boy and girl can come in casual on the day of their birthday,